At each life stage we experience changes both physically and mentally1. Self-care rituals can guide us through these times and, they can play an important part in our daily lives as lessons to learn, or time to pause and reflect. Here, we’ve included our five favourite rituals for each life stage, to guide you on life’s journey.

In youth, we are full of possibilities, hopes and dreams. We are at the forefront of self-discovery, with new experiences around every corner. Our biological systems are at their peak2, and this is also the stage where we are most active physically3. High energy levels benefit a ritual that challenges mind and body while also allowing time to reflect in mindfulness and self-acceptance. Rock climbing in nature or indoors is a great way to test limits and build trust or try weight-lifting to develop strength and boost self-esteem. Also, begin your day with a mantra – taking a moment to pause during your skin care ritual with the words ‘trust the universe’.
Our life-course can seemingly run away with itself. Raising young children, climbing the corporate ladder and continuing adult education can all be challenging for self-care. As we strive for work-life balance in this stage1, the effects of pregnancy and stress can also take its toll on the body. So, it’s important to find small moments throughout the day to recharge. However, this can also be a life stage where we may experience great certainty and confidence of self. Find moments of peace, no matter how small, to serve your emotional needs. Turn your shower time into a sensory experience with luxurious shower gels and body exfoliants or discover the benefits of yoga, with a gentle sun salutation to awaken the body and focus the mind within minutes.
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Winding down from work and family, our bodies go through a dramatic time of change in menopause – commonly resulting in a decline of physical health and wellbeing4. Skin also experiences changes during menopause, including thinness and dryness5. It is important then to put our own needs first. To balance our body with daily walks in nature, to nurture our spirit in moments of meditation and to nourish our skin with moisture-boosting botanicals.
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Post-menopause we enter a new life stage that may see greater acceptance of self, particularly in matters of the ageing body with which show love and respect6. Feelings of confidence may encourage us to try new activities: a trip you always wanted to take or a skill you always wanted to learn. We are in tune with ourselves, move at our own pace, so use this time to reflect on your life’s experiences and feel gratitude for the people you have met.
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- Takeda, Y. 2010. Understanding the Life Stages of Women to Enhance Your Practice. Japan Medical Association Journal. 53(5): 273-278.
- World Health Organisation (WHO). 2007. Women, ageing and health: a framework for action: focus on gender. Accessed via
- Brown, WJ., Heesch, KC., Miller, YD. 2009. Life Events and Changing Physical Activity Patterns in Women at Different Life Stages. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 37: 294-305.
- Mishra GD., Brown WJ., Dobson, AJ. 2002. Physical and mental health: Changes during menopause transition. Quality of Life Research. 12: 405-412.
- Raine-Fenning, NJ., Brincat MP., Muscat-Brown Y. 2003. Skin Aging and Menopause. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. 4(6): 371-378.
- Paulson, S., Willig, C. 2008. Older Women and Everyday Talk about the Ageing Body. 2008. Journal of Health Psychology. 13(1): 106-120.